Build Time Start to Finish - I built this in about 6 hours, but I did it on the fly, you will have instructions and a template to help you along the way. You can do it in afternoon easily.
Tools and Supplies you will need!!!!
- Hot Glue Gun
- Cutting Knife ( Heavy Duty Recommended )
- Pencil or Pen
- White Glue
- Scissors
- Measuring Tape and a straight edge if you have it
- 2 ply Cardboard ( If you can't find this, then use a strong equivalent such as a thick foam core board )
- Colored Bristle Board ( I used Black )
- Copy of White Dwarf which includes the color chart page, cut this out of your magazine.
( I used Issue 27 page 93 )
This design is owned by 40k Showcase and Alex Good and may only be duplicated for personal use. 20/07/09

This is the template that you will need to build the Paint Station, I apologize if it seems a bit crude but I did the best I could with what I had to work with.
In the Template you will find all the measurements and specifications that I used to build the paint station.
Using the template as a guide you will need to cut out and make 2 of the Grid template and 15 to 18 of the Strips template.
The Grid Template is 9 in by 10 1/2 in, I drew the entire grid pattern twice and then cut out the 2 squares and followed the template and cut along the bold line to create to staircase looking pieces or called grid templates. You should have 4 if you did it correctly. The grid is 9 by 10 1/2 inches, the grids is broken up into 1 1/2 inch squares. It should look just like in the template.
The strips template is 1 1/2 in wide and cut to your desired length. I cut the strips to a length of 19 5/8 in long to hold 14 paints per level. There are guidelines in the template for racks that hold 30, 48, 60 or 84 paints. Each one respectively has a certain length to achieve this. Cut your strips to your desired length.
Everything is outlined in the template and if you have any questions feel free to leave a post on this photo.
This design is owned by 40k Showcase and Alex Good and may only be duplicated for personal use. 20/07/09
Tools & Supplies needed
- Cutting Knife, Measuring tape, Pencil, 2 ply Cardboard
Begin by following measurements and outline in the template provided in this tutorial.
- Cut out two of the grid patterned templates
- Each one will provide 2 pieces
- You need 4 total ( On the left )
- Cut out 15-18 1 1/2 in strips to the desired length
- These must be 1 1/2 inches wide ( On the right )
- I used 19 5/8 in long pieces this allowed me to hold 14 paints per level, you should have 6 levels in all if you have followed the template
- The pieces should look like this if you have followed the template correctly.
Tools & Supplies Needed
- Hot Glue Gun (BE CAREFUL, GETS HOT!), Cut out pieces
Begin by dry fitting some of the pieces before you start to add any glue, you may only be able to do 2 or 3 steps before it will fall over.
- Heat up your Glue Gun, maintain safety when using the gun, it can BURN YOU badly, especially the glue.
- As shown in the picture start by gluing on the bottom step just like in the picture. I glued it to one pillar at a time till i had all 4 pillars glued, I let it dry briefly while keeping it upright. Ask for help if you feel you need it. This helped to give it support while I started gluing on the next steps and so on.
- The strips should be flush with the back of each step.
- You should have used all 4 pillars and 6 of your strips at this point in the project. Let it dry briefly.
- There should be at least 9 strips left over at this point, I cut 18 so I had more then I needed even if I messed up numerous times.
This is not shown in the pic but is very similar to what you just did.
Begin by gluing on the 4 more strips to face of each step EXCEPT for the bottom 2 steps.
- The pieces should be place directly on top of the previous strips and flush with the back of the step.
- Glue one strip on the back of the entire station at the top step to act as a backing for the top step.
- Glue all the inner seams of the Rack
- Glue one at the backside of the rack at the very bottom and another about half way up to give the unit more stability.
- Remember I said not to glue the bottom 2 steps
- To create the cubby's that are in the next photo, you should cut out the middle section of the bottom step
- Cut 2 pieces from one of your remaining strips to match the length on each side of the cubby, these go on the face of the first step on each side of the cubby, if unsure look at the next pic for reference.
- Now cut a piece the width of the section between the middle 2 uprights and 3 1/2 inches tall
- Glue it to the sides in between the two middle uprights and against of the back of the step that it touches, Remember to dry fit it before you glue it in place.
- The other 2 openings can either be covered up or left open, I left them open to slide brushes under and out of the way.
Tools & Supplies Needed
- White glue, Colored bristle board, Scissors
This step is pretty easy and if you ever did arts and crafts in school then you will have no problem with this part of the project.
- Using whatever colored Bristle board you picked out, cut out strips 1 1/2 inches wide and to the desired length you chose for your paint station.
- Glue them to the front of each step, if you choose to do the bonus option then cut pieces to cover up the front facing cardboard like I did in the pic.
- Using the page your White Dwarf so gladly sacrificed, cut out all the paints from the page to create small labels, apply them to the front of each level in order the page gives or whatever way you like using white glue.
- If you built a smaller version of the rack then you may not be able to put on all of the labels or you can skip this part of the step if you do not want labels on it.
- I also used the Citadel piece from the page and glued it on for a little flair.
- If you want you can add shims to the side of the unit so the paints don't fall off the side or glue your colored bristle board on the resting surface of the paints and anywhere cardboard is exposed. You could even paint it if want to.
The rack that is shown is the one I built, it holds 80 paints and if you did not do the bonus part then it will hold an additional 4 more making it a total of 84. The 3 cubbys allow me to slide paint brushes in and other types of bottles, I used my own for some paints that are duplicates.
This design is owned by 40k Showcase and Alex Good and may only be duplicated for personal use. 20/07/09
Your station is complete and now all you have to do is find a home for it and put your paint on it, you should have something that looks like this if you have followed all the steps correctly and maintained your safety doing so.
The station in the picture holds 80 paints, this allows me to hold the entire GW paint range and a few extras.
PLEASE NOTE - The paint station is not meant for transport and is recommended that it remain in the same spot to prevent breakage and or disaster.
Well this where my paint station went and it did wonders. It has allowed me to have more workspace and a tidier work area. Hopefully your own is as helpful as my own was for me.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
This design is owned by 40k Showcase and Alex Good and may only be duplicated for personal use. 20/07/09
I like it!! Will have a go I think.
very nice, much better than my arrangement of just leaving them in semi-organised clusters on the desk!
Verry Good. has inspired me to create something similar. keep up the good work
you should add a little lip at the edges so paints wont slide off if tipped
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