I just finished these models at the end of May and entered them in the Golden Demon warm-up at my local GW and the unit placed 3rd, there is also a commander with the squad that I will showcase tommorow. The squad consists of a Sergeant, Champion, Apothecary, and 2 marines as well as a Commander (not shown). All the symbols and lettering are painted on freehand. I pretty much have mastered painting my version of the RS symbol. I choose to paint all the helmet white to represent that there all veterans and to help distiguish them from the rest. Also I added bits from all sorts of SM sprues. I reallly like the added touch of the term shield on there shoulder pads. There is a fair bit of conversion work done to the models and it would be a very long post if I did. Hope you all like them. Commander tommorow don't miss it.
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